Products put together in partnership with individuals is something that has become quite a big part of BPI Sports. The major brand has collaborated with the likes of Billy Gunn for the Gunn Powder pre-workout and American rapper Method Man for Killer Bee Pre. The partnerships continue this month with the launch of another pre-workout in Very Strong, Very Evil from Danhausen.
Donovan Danhausen, more commonly and simply known by his last name Danhausen, is a professional wrestler with the Florida-based wrestling company All Elite Wrestling. Danhausen has indeed come together with BPI Sports to create the pre-workout Very Strong, Very Evil, with an eye-catching and unmissable illustration of Danhausen himself on the front of the supplement.
The formula behind BPI Sports and Danhausen’s Very Strong, Very Evil is relatively straightforward, with ingredients for energy, focus, and pumps. An interesting point is that throughout all of the brand’s collaborations, they’ve each had their own unique blend of ingredients and dosages for whatever their intended purpose or category may be.

For Very Strong, Very Evil from BPI Sports and Danhausen is actually identical in formula to the brand’s partnership with Method Man, Killer Bee Pre. Very Strong, Very Evil has all of the same main ingredients and dosages, including 5g of citrulline malate, a gram of glycerol, 100mg of guarana, 50mg of theobromine, and a potent 350mg of caffeine to reliably increase and enhance energy.
Basically, the pre-workout Very Strong, Very Evil should deliver the same sort of performance in the gym as Killer Bee Pre, but it does come in two differently named flavors. The first supplement BPI Sports has put together in partnership with wrestler Danhausen is available in Evil Frosty and Cursed Sour Candyhausen flavors, and from the brand’s website, it costs $34.95 for a tub of 25 servings.