Yesterday we posted about XXL Nutrition’s entry into the growing world of gaming supplements with Game On, featuring a variety of ingredients at effective dosages to support energy and focus. The product is interestingly available in two variants, a standard version and stimulant-free, which has all of the same components minus 80mg of caffeine from guarana.
XXL Nutrition has rolled out another supplement along the same lines as Game On; in fact, it is identical; however, you wouldn’t think that by looking at it. The sizeable European retailer and brand has released Pole Position alongside Game On, which has all of the same ingredients and dosages as the gaming product, but it’s named and marketed differently.
XXL Nutrition’s Pole Position is pushed more as a general energy and focus supplement, with no mention of gaming in any way. Again, the formula in Pole Position is exactly the same, and it comes in the same two options, regular and stimulant-free. Both of those variants are Cherry-flavored too, and they cost the same €39.95 (40.56 USD) for a tub of 30 servings.
While we’ve seen similar supplements within one brand before, it’s been several years since we’ve seen a company come out with two identical products, and promote and brand them in two very different ways. XXL Nutrition is obviously trying to target two audiences with Game On and Pole Position, something it didn’t believe it could do in a single supplement.