We recently previewed four new beverages said to be coming soon from VPX Sports, the maker of Bang Energy, with the VOOZ spin-off VOOZ Energy, and the focus-supporting Mind Games collection of an RTD, canned drink, and shot. We’re following that up today with details of yet another all-new product from the sports nutrition company, although unlike VOOZ Energy and Mind Games, this one is available.
The latest beverage innovation from VPX Sports is NOO, designed to support focus, cognition, and mental health. The formula is relatively short and sweet, with just three ingredients filling out the product in theanine, the common nootropic alpha-GPC, and 5-HTP, all of which are wrapped in a non-transparent 1.45g blend. There are no other active ingredients, so you won’t get an energy kick like you do from Bang.
Similar to the yet-to-release Mind Games collection, VPX Sports’ NOO drink is available in two formats, a full-size 8oz RTD and a more compact and convenient 3oz shot. They have the same three key ingredients in theanine, alpha-GPC, and 5-HTP, although that 1.45g blend we mentioned earlier is what you get in the shot, with no mention of any amounts on the label of the NOO RTD.
You can purchase the focus and cognitive-supporting NOO beverages straight from the home of the Bang Energy drink at bangenergy.com. At the moment, there is only one flavor available for the NOO RTD and NOO shot in Wyldin’ Watermelon, which is also available for Bang Energy. The prices are different from product to product, as the NOO shot comes in boxes of 12 at $29.99, but the RTD has 24 bottles a box and is $71.94.