Fans of the functional beverage company Clean Cause, known for its charitable and naturally yerba mate-powered energy drink, may want to get their monthly order in as soon as they see this post, regardless of whether it’s too soon or too late. The brand is running a promotion where ten lucky orders can win a month’s supply of the flagship Clean Cause beverage, and it doesn’t take much to get in the draw.
Now available directly from Clean Cause’s online store is a custom branded stainless steel straw, and as awesome as the accessory is, that’s the key to being in the running for one of those ten month’s supplies of energy drinks. Basically, anyone that orders at least one case of a Clean Cause beverage and the stainless steel straw at $5, could have that straw swapped for a gold one which also wins a month’s supply.
Clean Cause has just ten gold stainless steel straws, and it is going to randomly select ten orders with a case and the straw, and swap the regular silver straw for a gold one. Again, if you open your order and you are one of the lucky individuals to get the golden ticket or, in this case, golden straw, that wins you a month’s supply of the Clean Cause energy drink, but there is a limited amount of straws, so get in soon.