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Hell continues its annual summer series with a pair of intriguing emoji-filled flavors

Sun Likes And Sun Smiles Hell Energy Drink

European beverage brand Hell has brought a bit of summer fun to its large selection of energy drinks for the sunny season by way of two special edition flavors. This is something the company has done a few times over the years; in 2021, Hell released two all-new summer-themed flavors with the watermelon experience Beach Pink and the peach and lemon combination Beach Neon.

For 2022, Hell has once again introduced two entirely new flavors of its flagship energy drink featuring its usual blend of B vitamins, 80mg of caffeine for energy, and a nutrition profile of 10.7g of sugar and just under 50 calories. The flavors the beverage brand has put together this year are the strawberry and rhubarb recipe Sun Smiles, and the elderberry-based taste Sun Likes.

You can see the Sun Smiles and Sun Likes Hell energy drinks in the image above, the former in red and the latter in blue, and both featuring a background filled with emojis. Being summer edition products, they are only around for a limited time. They were officially launched within the last couple of months and have already made their way into several stores across Europe.

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