MuscleBlaze in India has released a unique and very interesting product for fans to find out if their protein powder is legitimate or not in the comfort of their own home. It is the MuscleBlaze ProCheck Kit which comes with two vials and two bottles of solution that you can use to test if there is actually whey in your supplement and how accurate the claimed amount of protein is.
The way it works is you pour the solution into a vial, which should fill up to the 35ml mark. Next, you need to pour 200ml of water into a shaker and a serving of your whey-based protein powder, then shake. After the powder is mixed into the water, pour 10ml into that vial to take it up to 45ml, throw the lid on the vial, then shake that up.
Within a short time, the first half of the test will present itself as if you see a curdling reaction, where the liquid in the vial begins to separate, that confirms whatever supplement you put in there does indeed have whey in it. If, however, nothing happens, and the mixture in the vial stays the same color as the original shake, without any reaction, that most likely means no whey is present.
The second half of the results from the MuscleBlaze ProCheck Kit takes about 24 hours. After that time, you should see some sort of solid formation at the bottom of the tube. Based on the volume of that, MuscleBlaze says you can determine the percentage of protein from a serving of the product used. A chart is provided where for example, if you have 10 to 11ml, you’re looking at 75 to 85% protein, which is as much as 25.5g from a 30g serving.
You can purchase the reasonably quick and convenient ProCheck Kit straight from MuscleBlaze’s Indian online soon at muscleblaze.com, and it’s not that expensive at ₹199 (2.49 USD) for a pack of two tests.