Voting is now live for the all-out opening round of the fourth annual Clash Of The Cans energy drink showdown, where we get all of our fans to vote on what they think is the most popular energy drink out there. The fierce contest has seen three different winners in the three years it’s been around, with C4 Energy taking it in 2019, Reign Total Body Fuel in 2020, and RAZE Energy, the reigning champion from last year.
Like previous first rounds in Clash Of The Cans, we have every energy drink requested to be voted on listed over at and a box to enter your favorite if it’s not on the list. You can vote once per round, and at the end of the week, we’ll take the most voted 16 energy drinks and move them into the quarterfinals; unless there is a draw somewhere, then we may have extra, which has happened before.
Anyone anywhere in the world can vote and take part in Clash Of The Cans, although we do ask that brands and individuals do not promote or offer rewards for votes. If you see any of this happening, please reach out on social media or through our contact page. We do our best to make Clash Of The Cans as fair, honest, and, best of all, as fun as possible, and we look forward to seeing who comes out on top in 2022.