In a couple of weeks, RAZE is launching its premium muscle-building supplement Mass Caps. The product comes packed with four key ingredients for muscle strength and size in turkesterone, smilax, cyanotis vaga extract, and a gram of arachidonic acid. While that will be an exciting release for the brand, it is also sort of going to be the beginning of something much more significant.
RAZE is, of course, known for its tasty, high-energy, and popular RAZE Energy drink, although it has expanded beyond that with the likes of RAZE Cakes and the RAZE Pre-Workout. Following the arrival of Mass Caps, RAZE is going to make the shift into a comprehensive sports nutrition brand, where it’ll be taking several of REPP Sports’ supplements and making them its own.
Basically, instead of REPP Sports selling the RAZE Energy drink on its website, as well as many other RAZE products, the team behind it all is going to be gradually consolidating the two. As mentioned, many of REPP’s popular supplements will be relabeled with RAZE branding, with RAZE also adding other entirely new products to fill in the gaps, Mass Caps being one of them.
It is going to be a significant move and will essentially turn RAZE into a fully-fledged sports nutrition supplement brand, combining the recognition of the RAZE Energy drink with the effective formulas of REPP Sports. The transition will be a gradual process and should make for a fun-filled several months as RAZE unveils its arsenal of familiar and entirely new products.