New Zealand retailer NZ Muscle has introduced a new brand of muscle-building supplements named AlphaLab, and they’re mostly simple and straightforward. There are currently three products in the line, two named after their one and only ingredient in Turkesterone and Smilax, and the third is called D-Aspartic Acid, although that contains more than just DAA.
The dosages AlphaLab has squeezed into the supplements are respectable, with Turkesterone featuring a gram of ajuga turkestanica, providing 10% turk, and half a gram of Chinese smilax in, of course, Smilax. D-Aspartic Acid (label below) is a bit more complex, packing a combination of the title ingredient, longjack, DIM, saw palmetto, and more.

Despite their difference in formulas, all of the AlphaLab products are geared towards supporting muscle strength and size. Also, since they all do it with different ingredients and angles, they can be used together for a comprehensive stack. NZ Muscle sells Smilax and D-Aspartic Acid at $49.99 (33.89 USD) a bottle, while Turkesterone is $89.99 (61.01 USD).
To make stacking the entire AlphaLab line easier, NZ Muscle has a bundle with full-size bottles of each of the supplements at a discounted $149.99 (101.69 USD), compared to $189.97 you’d pay purchasing them separately.