You may remember back at the beginning of the year, Glaxon revealed an upcoming, alternatively branded flavor of its top-tasting superfood supplement, Supergreens. That flavor was Dragon Fruit, and now about three and a half months later, the Newcomer Of The Year in 2020 and Brand Of The Year in 2021, has officially launched the exotic flavor in celebration of Earth Day.
Many brands are marking the occasion of Earth Day with some sort of superfood or health-type supplement promotion, although Glaxon has gone one step further and created a special edition tee. The shirt features the brand’s astronaut mascot alongside the words “Peace On Earth”, which you can purchase individually at $24.99, or you get it free during Glaxon’s Earth Day sale.
Until midnight this Sunday, Glaxon is throwing that celebratory Earth Day tee in free with any orders through its website totaling more than $99. That means you’ll qualify by purchasing two tubs of Super Greens, giving you the chance to try the new Dragon Fruit flavor. Keep in mind, that is $99 after discount, so if you use the brand’s Build-A-Stack, you’ll need to spend over $124.