BPI Sports has partnered with its distributor and partner in Iraq, Life Baghdad, and created an exclusive series of supplements that you won’t find anywhere else in the world. There are three products making up the collection, none of which we have precise details on; however, their names and labels are enough to give you some idea of what each of them is about.
The line of supplements exclusive to BPI Sports’ distributor Life Baghdad is referred to as the Hardcore Series, featuring CLA-Fuse with a combination of CLA, carnitine, and omega-3, and Crea-Blend packing six different creatines, including MagnaPower. The final entry in the family is the premium whey protein powder ISO-Gainz, providing a lean source of protein, all from lean and fast-absorbing whey isolate and hydrolysate.
Again, none of BPI Sports’ Hardcore Series supplements — CLA-Fused, Crea-Blend, and ISO-Gainz — are available anywhere outside of Life Baghdad in Iraq. We’re not sure how much each of the products cost in the country, although they have a good amount of servings per tub with 69 in ISO-Gainz, and 50 each in the other two, CLA-Fuse and Crea-Blend.