Gaming brand Glitch has already partnered with a couple of individuals; first, it got together with Wild Cat for a Wildberry Freeze flavor of its flagship supplement, then more recently, it made Panda Punch with BigJigglyPanda. The growing company has unveiled another collaboration with someone separate from Wild Cat and BigJigglyPanda, and it is a fitting announcement for St. Patrick’s Day.
This time around, Glitch has teamed up with Irish Youtuber Nogla to create an all-new special edition flavor of the brand’s energy and focus-boosting gaming supplement. The name of the flavor is fairly vague in Green Supreme, with its description being slightly more useful, as Glitch and Nogla’s Green Supreme is said to be a combination of sweet green fruit from the countryside of Ireland.
Again, it’s not overly clear what exactly Glitch and Nogla’s Green Supreme is meant to taste like, but it’s intriguing nonetheless. The brand is launching its third flavor collaboration in a little over one week on Friday of next week through its online store, so be sure to tune in around then.