Since it was announced, we’ve been eagerly awaiting additional information regarding Jim Stoppani’s hugely anticipated sequel to his original pre-workout Pre Jym with Pre Jym X. Previously, all that was said was Stoppani and his supplement company were planning to re-invent the fiercely competitive pre-workout category with Pre Jym X, similar to what it did with the debut of Pre Jym in 2013.
We now have slightly more details for Pre Jym X by way of a slightly clearer look at the packed-out pre-workout. It doesn’t reveal everything you need to know about the product, just a few highlights, which are well worth sharing. In the latest preview of Pre Jym X, we get a rough idea of how many active ingredients are being jammed into the sequel pre-workout, and it’s a lot more than the original.
The three key areas Pre Jym X highlights on the front of its bottle are 2.3g of ingredients to increase energy and focus, a combined 18g to support muscle in some way, and an impressive 11g, all to enhance pumps. If those amounts are counting separate ingredients without any crossover, that’s a total of 31.3g of active ingredients and about 50% more than what you get in the regular Pre Jym.
As we always say, the amount of active ingredients doesn’t tell the whole story, but it gives you an idea of the space a supplement has for solid dosages, and 31.3g is plenty of room. We’re definitely interested to see what exactly that 18g of muscle supporting ingredients is, as that is a heavy amount, and how that 11g of pump breaks down as that is also a relatively large amount for pumps.
Jim Stoppani and his brand are still looking to launch Pre Jym X in a couple of days on Thursday to close out the month, so the wait for the full reveal is not that far away. The latest look at the pre-workout also confirms the three flavors it’s releasing in, which are Tiger’s Blood with a mix of watermelon and coconut, the candy-themed Shockwave, and the citrus recipe Rise ‘N’ Grind.