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Mark Glazier shares more information on Pre3D and his promising Signature Series

Nutrabio Mark Glazier Signature Series Update

For this week’s Stack3d Podcast interview, we brought on the one and only Mark Glazier, the founder of not just the reputable and long-running supplement company Nutrabio but also our Newcomer Of The Year in Unbound. Glazier and the many hard-working individuals at his company continue to push, drive, and stay out in front of the industry, making our almost 50 minute episode well worth listening to.

Some of the many exciting topics, updates, and developments we cover include Nutrabio’s focus on the health and wellness side of its lineup for 2022 and the recently revealed standalone products from Unbound. Mark Glazier also goes into more detail about the third brand he has coming soon, although it is not completely new, but one that is already on the market and he is taking ownership of.

Another interesting topic we made sure to get more information on is the Mark Glazier Signature Series. That is an upcoming line of supplements from Nutrabio that is going to have a more premium, advanced approach to its formulas. It was first confirmed in a preview of the promising pre-workout Pre3D, packing a hefty 44g serving, which Glazier has said will be one of the first three Signature Series products.

You can listen to our entire Stack3d Podcast interview with Mark Glazier over on Spotify, iTunes, Google Podcasts, and Soundcloud, and if you’re a fan of Nutrabio, it definitely looks like you have a lot to be excited about and look forward to.

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