The Rock’s ZOA energy drink didn’t turn out to be as good as we had hoped in taste but has proved successful with a substantial social media following and placements in many major retailers. The product debuted in five flavors, including Pineapple Coconut and Wild Orange, and all in two separate versions, one without any sugar and one with sugar at 100 calories per can.
Flavors number six and seven have been announced for the ZOA energy drink, although at the moment, they have not been confirmed for the sugar variant, only the sugar-free. The first new flavors for the ZOA energy drink since it hit the market in March of last year are a tropical fruity concoction named Tropical Punch, and a sweet and refreshing sounding White Peach.
Both the Tropical Punch and White Peach ZOA energy drinks are going to be available at precisely 6PM Pacific Time through Amazon and the brand’s own online store. As a quick refresher on the ingredients in the product, it brings together various sources of vitamin C, electrolytes, choline, B vitamins, a light 250mg of BCAAs, and an energizing 160mg of natural caffeine.