As promised, REPP Sports and its energy drink brand RAZE Energy have launched an all-new type of supplement to close out the week. RAZE Hydration is the latest creation under RAZE, which is a stick pack product formulated specifically to support hydration. You can buy it directly from the REPP website in two options; a bundle of 15 single-serving stick packs $22.50 or pay a little more than twice that at $49.99 and three 45 sticks.
With the arrival of RAZE Hydration, we have confirmation of exactly what’s in the product, although the brand already gave us some idea of what we’re in for with its initial preview. Squeezed into each of the 4.7g stick packs of the hydration-powering supplement is half a gram of the antioxidant vitamin C, key electrolytes, a blend of probiotics for gut health, a 2.25g blend of betaine, coconut water, and taurine, all with zero calories.
REPP Sports and RAZE Energy’s RAZE Hydration comes in only one flavor at the moment with Blue Shock, which is the most recent and already sold limited-edition flavor of the popular RAZE Energy drink.