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Frosted Cranberry quickly followed by an Apple Cider flavor of Legion’s Pulse

Legion Apple Cider Pulse

It was only a couple of weeks ago we shared details on a flavor extension of Legion’s flagship pre-workout supplement Pulse, with the sweet-sounding Frosted Cranberry. Despite that product arriving not that long ago, the busy brand is back with yet another addition to the menu of the stimulant-powered and well-rounded Pulse, although this one is a little more different and creative.

Legion’s latest flavor of Pulse is the intriguing combination of refreshing apple and cinnamon in Apple Cider, available exclusively in the supplement’s caffeinated original, not the caffeine-free version. You can already grab the product directly from the brand’s website at its regular price of $39.99 for a tub of 21 servings or $35.99 if you subscribe to receive a tub every one, two, or three months.