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Vitamin infused, plant-based and high carbohydrate shake comes to GymBeam

Gymbeam Smart Vege Meal Shake

GymBeam has one of the most extensive selections of supplements in Europe, as you would probably already know if you follow us here at Stack3d as it is a regular feature. GymBeam is both a retailer and a brand, and it is the brand we’re saying is impressively extensive, and this month it has become even more so with the launch of another protein-based product.

Smart Vege Meal Shake is the latest creation from GymBeam, and if you stop and break down its name, you could probably figure out what it’s all about. The supplement is a plant-based, vegan-friendly product featuring a not-so-even, meal-like nutrition profile with 16.5g of protein per serving, from a blend of sources in pea, hemp, sunflower, and brown rice protein.

GymBeam’s Smart Vege Meal Shake is also made using oat flour, MCTs, Palatinose, vitamins, and minerals, with its other macros being a high 33g of carbohydrates, 6.5g of fat, and a calorie count of 352. The nutrition profile definitely leans a bit more towards carbohydrates than protein, with the carbs basically double the protein, although still somewhat meal-like.

Smart Vege Meal Shake is available for purchase from the GymBeam website at a reasonably low €12.95 (15.08 USD) for a full-size bottle. That bottle, however, doesn’t come with many servings at only five if you’re happy with those macros above. Fans do get flavors to choose from, three to start in Strawberry, and the traditional tastes, Chocolate and Vanilla.