Many companies have been adding health and wellness-type products to their lineups over the past year or so, with things like superfood formulas, collagen supplements, and immune support products. Gut health and digestion is another area brands have been putting a lot of focus on, something 5% Nutrition has just gotten into with Digestive Defender.
5% Nutrition’s Digestive Defender is all about digestion and gut health, and it has taken that hybrid approach in a slightly different way than its competitors. Supplements supporting those two main areas aren’t anything we haven’t seen before; however, what makes 5%’s effort so different is it splits them up into separate products but sells them in a single package.

Digestive Defender is indeed a box set supplement, featuring two products inside; the digestive enzyme-powered Diges-TEN (label above) and the probiotic-powered Probio-75 (label below). Neither of those can be purchased separately, only in 5% Nutrition’s Digestive Defender box set, which will cost you $52.99 when shopping directly through the brand’s website.

5% Nutrition has packed each of its Digestive Defender supplements with solid formulas, full of premium branded ingredients to support their respective areas. In Diges-TEN, you get a complete range of enzymes plus the likes of turmeric, ginger root, and cayenne pepper, and in Probio-75, there are prebiotics, more for gut health, and premium SL14 probiotics.