At this year’s Fit Xpo in the UK, Supplement Needs released a very special product that combined all of the solid ingredients and dosages from Pre Focus+ and Pre Pump+ into one supplement. The result was the absolutely loaded pre-workout Pre Focus Pump+, which was extremely limited and, of course, went on to completely sell out a month after it arrived.
Supplement Needs has announced that at this year’s Arnold Sports Festival in the UK, Pre Focus Pump+ is making a return, and it will once again be a limited launch. The reputable brand is packing it with all of the same reliable ingredients and dosages; however, to switch things up and give fans something a bit different, the flavor won’t be the original Zombie Bite.
For the second coming of Pre Focus Pump+, Supplement Needs has cooked up an all-new taste creation called Monster Blood. As mentioned, the product has been put together for the UK’s Arnold Sports Festival taking place this weekend. To further promote that exclusivity, the Monster Blood Pre Focus Pump+ has the Arnold logo printed right on its label.