Originally starting August 1st, fans of the first-person shooter Apex Legends and Monster Energy have been able to purchase special edition cans of the regular Monster Energy, Monster Lo Carb, and Monster Ultra. They each feature Apex Legends call-out graphics on the back, specifically two characters from the video game itself in Wraith and Octane.
The whole reason behind the collaboration with Apex Legends and the set of special edition energy drinks is, Monster Energy and the popular game have come together for a limited time promotion that’s now open. The way it all works is every can of any Monster Energy beverage you purchase can be redeemed and put towards exclusive in-game rewards.
Monster Energy and Apex Legends have created a collection of bonuses and skins for the video game, all of which can be seen on the website apexlegends.monsterenergy.com. On there, you can also see how many cans you need to purchase and redeem for each prize; for example, the exclusive Wraith skin Energy Transfer requires you to drink 30 cans.
You have until the end of the year to get your Monster Energy on and claim the Apex Legends rewards. While there are only a few specially marked beverages, it seems you can drink and redeem anything from the Monster Energy family. For more information and to start collecting your points or cans, visit the website apexlegends.monsterenergy.com.