If you’re a fan of Ghost and its authentic strawberry collaboration with the bubble gum brand Bubblicious, the lifestyle supplement company has some good news for you. Ghost’s Bubblicious Strawberry Splash is already available for its pre-workout Ghost Legend and its on-the-go Ghost Energy drink, and soon it’ll be available for one more stimulating Ghost supplement.
Due to release in the coming weeks or month is Ghost and Bubblicious’ Strawberry Splash collaboration for the brand’s energy and focus boosting gaming product, Ghost Gamer. It is a fitting flavor for the supplement, not just because it tastes good, but because of the seven options currently on Ghost Gamer’s menu, only one of them is not any sort of flavor collaboration.
Bubblicious Strawberry Splash will take Ghost’s lineup of flavors for its gaming product to a total of eight, and as mentioned, it’ll be its seventh authentic flavor for the supplement. We’re not sure exactly when the brand is planning to drop its newest Ghost Gamer taste; however, it doesn’t spend too much time between reveal and release, so expect to see it available soon.