In 2020, reputable Canadian supplement retailer Supplement Source introduced its own line of basic products, starting with the straightforward unflavored powders, Creatine Monohydrate and Glutamine. Since those first two, the store has expanded the selection on a couple of occasions with more simple supplements, something it is doing once again this week.
Now available alongside Supplement Source’s ZMB6, L-Carnitine, Creatine HCl, and originals, Creatine Monohydrate and Glutamine, is GABA. Similar to those other products, the retailer’s GABA features its title ingredient, and that is it. Supplement Source’s latest effort is a large 125g tub of unflavored GABA powder, which breaks down into 166 servings of 750mg each.
With only one bulk ingredient in Supplement Source’s GABA, its price is not all that expensive coming in at $19.99 (15.59 USD) a tub through the retailer’s online store.