The healthy nut butter brand Fokken Nuts from IFBB Pro Brendan Fokken, which doesn’t put extra protein in its product like most of the nut butters we share, has a new flavor that is due to drop this week. As mentioned, Fokken Nuts makes clean and nutritious nut butter mostly with peanuts, and it has some impressively tasty creations on its menu, such as Dark Chocolate Sea Salt, Snozzberry, and Nuts About Brownies.
With such creative tastes already available, it’s no surprise Fokken Nuts upcoming nut butter flavor is a unique one in Butterscotch Ripple, presumably featuring a delicious ripple of butterscotch. Once again, Branden Fokken and his brand Fokken Nuts will be dropping their fresh new Butterscotch Ripple peanut butter sometime this week, so keep an eye out on its website if you’re interested in grabbing a jar.