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Classic Blue Raspberry flavor comes to Rowdy’s sugar-free energy drink

blue raspberry rowdy sugar free energy drink

Rowdy is an energy drink company that came to market about a year ago with two versions, a regular beverage and one that’s sugar-free with a lot fewer calories. Since its debut, the brand has grown its selection of flavors well beyond the four it launched with, two of which were for its regular drink in Cherry Limeade and Orange Citrus, and the others are sugar-free in Sour Green Apple and Strawberry Lemonade.

The Rowdy energy drink has gained another flavor this week, one that regular users of pre-workout and amino supplements will be more than familiar with in Blue Raspberry. The new addition has been put together specifically for the brand’s zero-sugar, lower-calorie energy drink, now with eight different flavors on its menu, more than double the amount fans have to choose from for the sugar option at four.

Rowdy’s new Blue Raspberry sugar-free energy drink is available now through its website, where a case of 12 cans of the product featuring electrolytes, B vitamins, theanine, theobromine, and 160mg of natural caffeine, will cost you $29.95.

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