The long-awaited return of the top-tasting energy drink, ‘Merica Energy, has arrived for the 4th Of July, and it has indeed been a long time coming. The brand did stop production of the beverage a while ago and had been hyping its relaunch for months. That relaunch has happened today, and you can now purchase ‘Merica Energy once again at mericaenergy.com and from its many retailers.
As you can see in the image above, the ‘Merica Energy drink has been given a completely new can design for 2021. The colors and design still make it as patriotic as the original, but with a much better flow, more spacious, and smoother overall layout. Changes have taken place on the inside of the product as well, although not in the area of the active ingredients.
‘Merica Energy has maintained its original energy and focus-enhancing formula for its 2021 version, keeping it at 250mg each of acetyl-l-carnitine and choline bitartrate, and 200mg of caffeine from caffeine anhydrous and guarana. The last section we need to touch on is the menu of the ‘Merica Energy drink, as the brand has only carried over two of its previous flavors and added three new ones.
The list of flavors available for ‘Merica Energy in its relaunch are Freedom, the cream soda recipe Victory, Patriot Punch, a pineapple-mango option named Daytona Beach, and County Fair. All of the energy drinks are in stock and ready to purchase at mericaenergy.com at $29.99 for a case of 12, which is $2.50 each, or if you want to try them all, there is a variety pack for slightly more at $34.99.
If you would like to save some money, ‘Merica Energy does have a two case deal available where you buy any two flavors and get them for $25 each. That is indeed a strong saving, bringing you down from that $2.50 a can price to $2.08. We should have our review up soon and have high hopes for the product as we considered the original the best tasting energy drink out there.