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MPB Snacks celebrates half a decade at its Stack3d Supplement Expo booth

my protein bites

MPB Snacks, previously known as My Protein Bites, is one of the newcomers to our Stack3d Supplement Expo this year, which has put together an informative introductory booth for those not familiar with its family of functional products. The start of the brand’s lineup is most definitely its oat-based, high-protein, and delicious Cookie Bites in a great variety of flavors.

You can learn all about MPB Snacks and its Cookies Bites at its Stack3d Supplement Expo booth, including another close look at its upcoming cereal-themed Fruity Bites. To go with its Expo presence, the creative company is also celebrating its impressive five-year anniversary, so be sure to stop by the East Hall at and find out more about MPB.

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