The women’s apparel, sports supplement, and functional food brand, Women’s Best, has an all-new protein snack launching in less than a week that goes by the same name as PhD’s popular product, the Smart Bar. It will be another entry into the brand’s “Smart” family of functional foods, going alongside its Smart Syrup, Smart Smoothie, Smart Peanut Butter, and Smart Choc & Dip.
As extensive as Women’s Best’s Smart Series already is with a smoothie, nut butter, and syrup, the Smart Bar will be its first bar-format Smart product. It is going to pack the usual amount of protein per bar at 20g, be high in fiber, have a total of 2g or less of sugar with no added sugar, naturally flavored, all while giving you an enjoyable, soft and crunchy protein bar experience.
The Smart Bar will be available first through the Women’s Best online store at womensbest.com, and its many fans and followers are going to have a nice selection of flavors to choose from. There will be three options for the Smart Bar right out of the gate, with Salty Peanut, Hazelnut Nougat, and Almond Coconut Cake.