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Coca-Cola discontinues its line of Coke energy drinks in North America

coke energy drink discontinued in north america

The beverage giant Coca-Cola announced last week it is officially discontinuing the barely one-year-old Coke Energy drink that came to market early last year. For those that weren’t aware of it, the product brings together guarana, a variety of B vitamins, and a light 114mg of caffeine, with classic Coke and cherry flavors, both in regular and sugar-free options.

We did try the North American version of the Coke Energy drink, and while we felt it was better than the one that launched in Europe the year prior, it still was not great compared to what else is out there. It has an unfortunate chemical taste to it and doesn’t really have that strong Coke taste we expected and counted on, and the regular option has a surprisingly bitter aftertaste.

It is worth noting that while Coca-Cola has discontinued its family of Coke Energy drinks in North America, other parts of the world will not be affected. The company has specifically said the product is going to remain in its international markets, such as Europe, where the energy drink is also powered by guarana, B vitamins, but has slightly less caffeine at 80mg.

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