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Next five brands confirmed for the 2021 Stack3d Supplement Expo

stack3d expo round four

We are now seven weeks away from the 2021 edition of the Stack3d Supplement Expo, set to take place the week of June 14th, and if you’ve been following, you’ll know we already have a long list of brands confirmed. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been naming supplement companies exhibiting and participating at the online-exclusive event, five at a time.

This week we have another five brands to confirm for the Stack3d Supplement Expo, and once again, they make it that much more exciting and worth looking forward to. Our Brand Of The Year for 2020, Ghost, which is also having one hell of a year in 2021, is attending, as well as the still relatively new VNDL Project, the no carbs beverage company NOCCO.

The other two we have to name today are the premium brand Performix, hot off the release of its SST Energy Seltzer, and the reliable and reputable Performax Labs, maker of Hypermax. All of them will be bringing something exciting, entertaining, informative, or educational to the Stack3d Supplement Expo, with about 50 brands to be exhibiting at the event.

As mentioned, the Stack3d Supplement Expo will be going down the week of June 14th, and all you have to do to take part is visit during the days it’s live. If you have any questions or are looking for more information for the online expo, be sure to reach out to us through our contact page.

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