Jackalope is an extremely interesting and all-new functional company that makes muffins with a couple of key benefits that separate them from your traditional muffin. Firstly, the brand’s functional product is high in protein, packed with 18g per muffin, and it is plant-based protein from pumpkin, although its other macros are on a much higher end of the scale.
While Jackalope’s protein muffin has a solid 18g of protein, it comes alongside 17g of fat and a hefty 49g of carbohydrates, 35g of that sugar alcohol, and a calorie count of 410. The gluten-free product does look like it makes up for some of that nutrition with a soft and delicious experience, filling the muffin’s Chocolate Chip flavor with unsweetened chocolate chips.

As mentioned, there are a few key benefits to Jackalope’s muffin, with there being one other intriguing feature outside of its high amount of protein. The fresh new functional brand has also put a solid dose of energy into its premier product. Each Jackalope muffin has 85mg of natural caffeine, pairing that high protein and carb nutrition profile with a nice energy kick.
While the carbohydrates and calories aren’t as low as we’d like in a functional snack, Jackalope has certainly put together something unique with its plant-protein and naturally caffeinated muffin. You can backorder the product starting this week through the brand’s online store at $29.99 for a pack of six with no mention of when those orders will be shipping out.