In the coming days, VMI Sports is rolling out another flavor of its popular and premium protein powder, the whey isolate-based Protolyte. It is going to be the brand’s second cereal-themed flavor of the supplement and will also have real cereal pieces in the powder. The latest from VMI is a Cinnamon Crunch flavor of Protolyte, although there is actually one other important detail to it.
VMI Sports is introducing a fresh new look for Protolyte with Cinnamon Crunch, switching to a design that has all of its front-facing details in the center and the flavor callout filling the background. It’s only a mild change to the supplement, still keeping enough color and layout to make it feel familiar. That look will eventually expand to other Protolyte flavors, but to start, it’s just Cinnamon Crunch.
Once again, VMI Sports is going to be introducing and making Cinnamon Crunch Protolyte available over the coming days, with the brand’s own online store expected to be the first place to stock the product.