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Glaxon brings together apricot and plum for its newest flavor of SuperGreens

glaxon dinosaur fruit supergreens

Our Newcomer Of The Year winner Glaxon, was one of the first few supplement companies to come out with a truly great tasting superfood product in SuperGreens. The taste of the supplement is incredibly impressive, especially its original Lemon Iced Tea, which since its launch, has been joined by a couple of other options including Orchard Iced Tea and Burstberry Iced Tea.

Glaxon has revealed and released another undoubtedly tasty option this week for its hit superfood product SuperGreens, although “Iced Tea” is not a part of its name like the other three flavors. The always creative company has called its newest SuperGreens taste “Dinosaur Fruit”, which fortunately does come with a description in a sweet and fruity combination of apricot and plum.

Glaxon’s all-new Dinosaur Fruit is in stock and available now directly through its online store, where the superfood supplement is reasonably priced at $39.99 for a tub of 30 full servings.

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