While VMI Sports is a well-established supplement company with a wide selection of products available all over the place, there is one mainstream category it is very notably missing from. The brand does not currently have a complex weight loss supplement in its lineup, only basic fat burners with the carnitine-based formulas L-Carnitine 3000 and L-Carnitine Heat.
Sometime soon, that is going to change with an all-new weight loss product from VMI Sports called Shred-XR. The brand has come out and confirmed Shred-XR is in the works and coming soon, featuring a fully dosed formula for energy, focus, clarity, cravings, and fat loss. We don’t, unfortunately, have any details about what’s in it, although it does promise energy, suggesting it’ll very likely feature some sort of stimulant blend.
As mentioned, VMI Sports is currently only working on Shred-XR, previewing it in the form of a beta sample, with no details about how close or far away it is from launch. In saying that, summer is four months from now, so there is a good chance it is aiming to have it ready and available around then, a time when a lot of other brands release new fat burners.