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VMI adds transparency and DMAE for its new and similar K-XR Original

vmi sports k-xr original

VMI Sports has revealed the full formula behind its new and improved pre-workout, K-XR Original, and it is surprisingly similar to the current version. The upcoming supplement features all of the same ingredients as its predecessor, plus one addition and some changes to the dosages of the consistent ingredients, although since the original was non-transparent, we don’t know by exactly how much.

K-XR Original old versus new

You can see the facts panel for VMI Sports’ updated K-XR Original below, and as mentioned, a lot of it is the same as the previous iteration. For performance and power you get 3.2g of beta-alanine, 300mg of theobromine, 150mg of elevATP, and 1.5g of taurine. All of those are in the current K-XR Original, however they’re not transparent and are combined in a proprietary blend for 3.45g.

Next, you have another familiar component with VMI Sports Intense Energy Matrix, featuring three types of caffeine and alpha yohimbine, just like its predecessor. The brand has kept the caffeine sources, including Infinergy dicaffeine malate, in a blend providing a total of 400mg per serving, but it has separated the hard-hitting alpha yohimbine to 1.5mg.

vmi sports k-xr original

Lastly, there are all of K-XR Original’s ingredients for mental focus, with VitaCholine branded choline bitartrate at half a gram, 3mg of huperzine a, and the new addition to the formula in 300mg of DMAE. Once again, the formula is quite similar to the K-XR Original already on the market, with a similar set of ingredients for energy, focus, and performance, although more transparency and better dosages.

Launching soon

VMI Sports is looking to roll out its new and improved K-XR Original in the coming weeks or months, with the one flavor confirmed so far in Patriot Pop. Knowing the brand however, and how many options the K-XR Original available now has, we imagine fans will get a full set of flavors when the pre-workout eventually launches.