Phase One Nutrition is back again this month, closing out 2020 with some news that’s a little different from the flavors and special edition spin-offs we’ve seen from the brand throughout the year. Phase One has decided to revamp the look of its supplements, first showing off the design with rebranded versions of Brain Blitz and Amino-Phase.
The fresh new look for Phase One Nutrition brings a lot more solid color to the packaging of its products, all while still keeping that Phase One feel with an alternative title font and clear, to-the-point highlights. While the brand has only previewed its new look on Brain Blitz and Amino-Phase, it will be expanding it across to the rest of its supplements.
The only products Phase One Nutrition won’t cover in its rebrand are the special edition releases Pre-Phase Remix and Brain Blitz Lost In The Sauce, which makes sense as they already feature individual designs. You can see the refreshed looks of Brain Blitz and Amino-Phase in the image above and on the brand’s website, with no changes to their formulas.