Nut butter brand Fokken Nuts from IFBB Pro bodybuilder Brandon Fokken, has announced two new additions to its nut butter family, due to release very soon. One of them is a flavor extension of its original clean peanut butter, and the other is an entirely new type of product from Fokken Nuts with its first-ever nut butter with a cashew base.
The newest flavor of the brand’s signature peanut butter is Everything Bagel, something it has apparently been working on for quite some time. As for the cashew butter, that also comes in a fun new flavor with another Fokken Nuts Willy Wonka-inspired effort in Violet’s Blueberry. It features a delicious and intriguing mix of white chocolate and blueberry.
As mentioned, Fokken Nuts’ Everything Bagel peanut butter and Violet’s Blueberry cashew butter are due to launch sometime soon, both in the brand’s usual 16oz jar.