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Fruity Whey Isolate from ESN moves to eight flavors with its new Blackberry

esn blackberry fruity whey isolate

The German brand ESN is one of the many supplement companies out in Europe that has an impressively large lineup of products, covering several categories, mostly mainstream areas such as protein powder. In that particular part of the market, ESN has over ten different supplements available, including the obviously fruit-flavored whey isolate formula, ‘Fruity Whey Isolate’.

The refreshing ESN protein powder has expanded its menu this week, going from a total of seven flavors to eight, with the all-new addition being Blackberry. The option is right at home alongside the brand’s many other well-known fruits such as Pineapple, Orange, and Wildberry. As always, you can grab ESN’s latest from its retail partner Fitmart at a competitive €29.34 for a 2.2lb bag.

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