Coming soon from Efectiv Nutrition, a widely available supplement company from the UK, is a comprehensive and well-balanced meal replacement product named ‘Complete Meal’. The brand has designed the supplement to support users nutritionally and from a general, overall health angle with several ingredients added in on top of the nutrition sources.
While we don’t know everything so far about Efectiv Nutrition’s upcoming Complete Meal, which is vegan-friendly, we have all of its key highlights to determine whether or not it is something for you. The all-important macros for the product start with 28.9g of protein, a little more than that in carbohydrates at 34.8g, 6.4g of fiber, 14.7g of fat, and an even calorie count of 400.
The main ingredients Efectiv Nutrition has put into Complete Meal to provide that nutrition profile are pea isolate, brown rice, quinoa, and pumpkin seed protein, for the protein, and extra-fine oat flour for the carbohydrates. The fat is from smooth flaxseed oil and MCTs, and finally, the brand has added a few extras to the formula with the fruits and greens blend Spectra and the eye health ingredient Lutemax 2020.
We’re not exactly sure when Efectiv Nutrition plans on releasing Complete Meal to fans, but at least now you have an idea of what you’re in for when it eventually becomes available. By the sounds of things, the supplement is due to arrive quite soon, with the first place expected to stock the all-new product being Efectiv’s own online store with no flavors confirmed yet either.