Core Nutritionals has revealed the full formula behind its promising new weight loss supplement Core Sear, which like the brand’s own Core Shred, is a stimulant-free product. The big difference between the two is how they intend to help and support fat loss. While Core Sear and Shred do have some ingredients in common, you can still stack them together for even greater fat burning results.
Core Sear features just four different ingredients, a lot of which are premium, branded, and researched features. The star ingredients of Core Nutritionals’ stimulant-free weight loss supplement are 900mg of the Sinetrol blend of grapefruit, sweet orange, and blood orange extracts, seen in only a few other products, and 500mg of the up and coming Mitoburn, which we’re slowly seeing more of.
As mentioned, there are four ingredients in Core Nutritionals’ all-new Core Sear, with the other two alongside Sinetrol and Mitoburn being Paradoxine branded grains of paradise and 250mg of coleus forskohlii. It truly tackles weight loss from a different angle compared to any of the brand’s other fat burning supplements in Core Burn and Shred, which once again, Sear can be stacked with.
Core Nutritionals is still planning to launch its stimulant-free and stackable Core Sear early in the new year with a full month’s supply in every bottle at 28 servings. We’re not sure about its price, although based on the premium ingredients it features, we suspect it to be a little higher than Core Burn and Shred. You can, however, count on the brand having some sort of sale when it arrives.