For day ten of our fun and festive 12 Days Of Giveaways, we’ve got a collection of prizes from three reputable and popular supplement companies. Taking part in today’s giveaway is the collagen specialist Obvi, the hardcore 5% Nutrition, and the rising UK brand HR Labs, which has put up a large and solid stack of its most popular products.
From Obvi, we have two Christmas bundles, each featuring full-size tubs of its limited Pumpkin Spice Latte, Peppermint Mocha, and Birthday Cupcakes Super Collagen Protein. From 5% Nutrition, there is a swag pack with a shaker, gym bag, face mask, and wrist band, and the huge HR Labs stack of Basic, Level Up, Defib, and the recently released Riot Act.
For this giveaway, we have a post over on Instagram where you need to follow the steps in the caption to go in the draw; then, next week, we’ll select four lucky individuals and randomly allocate a prize. One person will take home the HR Labs stack, one each of the Obvi Holiday Bundles, and the fourth getting the kitted out 5% Nutrition accessory pack.