Protein Refuel Rebuild is the latest supplement from the team at Self Omninutriton, which is a post-workout formula seemingly marketed more towards performance and endurance athletes. The product’s ingredients and features are interesting but relatively straightforward, with the supplement’s goal to improve and enhance muscle recovery and repair after exercise.
Europe’s Self Omninutrition has packed Protein Refuel Rebuild with of course, a good amount of protein, as per its name, at 30g per serving, from premium Lacprodan, a better-tasting version of whey protein hydrolysate. Alongside the protein, the supplement comes with zero fat or sugar, a light 4g of carbohydrates, and a lean calorie count of 154.
There is one other feature in Self Omninutrition’s Protein Refuel Rebuild which is what makes it somewhat different, and that is GlycerPump glycerol, at a respectable 6g per serving. While GlycerPump is typically relied on to help improve muscle pumps, on this occasion, the brand has thrown it in to support hydration after your workout or any type of intense exercise.
Self Omninutrition promotes Protein Refuel Rebuild as a hyper-hydrating whey-based protein powder; hence the marketing is leaning more towards performance athletes and individuals. The product is out and available now in Europe, with the brand selling it on its own website at €59.99 (70.05 USD) for a tub of 30 servings in Chocolate and Orange Juice flavors.