While Nutrex’s Warrior pre-workout under its Warrior Series isn’t all that old, hitting the market at the beginning of May, next week, the brand is coming out with a reformulated version. As far as formulas go, the original was relatively straightforward, featuring several reliable ingredients at reasonable dosages, including 400mg of caffeine from two sources, a gram of choline bitartrate, and 2.5g of betaine.
The all-new version of Nutrex’s Warrior pre-workout is actually much the same, with all but one of its ten transparently dosed ingredients remaining the same. What’s happening is the brand is making just one change, and that is swapping the first Warrior’s gram of GlycerPump glycerol for a gram of the pump ingredient Nitrosigine. Everything outside of that will remain, so there won’t be any difference in the energy and focus side.

The regular price on Nutrex’s tweaked Warrior Series pre-workout is going to stay at $39.99 for a tub of 30 full servings, although that is before any discount. Since the launch of the supplement, we have seen the brand run several sales dropping Warrior by some large margins, going as low as $12.80 a tub when buying five. Based on that, we imagine the Nitrosigine-enhanced version will arrive with a deal or at least eventually get one.