To go with its Black Friday sale, where it has put together a handful of discounted supplement bundles, Canadian brand Magnum has announced a new flavor of its flagship protein powder Quattro. The flavor isn’t actually available for purchase yet, only unveiled, although it is quite a unique taste and one of our personal favorites, so it’s worth getting excited about.
The upcoming flavor Magnum has planned for its four-source Quattro protein powder is the classic combination of chocolate and strawberry, with a Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Quattro. As mentioned, the flavor is one of our favorites; however, despite chocolate and strawberry being a traditional delicious dessert, you don’t see it all that often in the world of protein.
Magnum hasn’t said exactly when its Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Quattro will be available for purchase, only that it’s coming with the supplement’s usual 30g of protein per serving from a blend of milk, whey, and egg isolate, and micellar casein.