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13 Lives announces its hybrid beauty supplement #Instahoe Verified

13 lives instahoe verified

Australian brand 13 Lives is one of the more uniquely branded companies we’ve seen come to market over the past year or so, up there in terms of difference with the likes of Glaxon and Vayu. 13 Lives’ branding focuses heavily on illustrated and character graphics, with plenty of colors to make the products pop in renders and on shelves in Australia.

The supplement company has been a bit quiet recently but is looking to change that as we welcome in 2021, at which time it plans to drop its first entirely new product named ‘#Instahoe Verified’ or ‘Verified’ for short. It is a hybrid formula, aiming to bring together two categories in the one supplement, with a beauty product that also supports overall weight loss.

As mentioned, 13 Lives is looking to launch #Instahoe Verified in the new year, which is always a busy time for supplements, especially fat burners, with weight loss, of course, being a popular new year’s resolution. It is also worth nothing this is separate from the brand’s stimulant fat burner, similarly named #Instahoe, a product that is entirely for weight loss.

While we don’t know any of the ingredients in the upcoming 13 Lives supplement, they will all be shared later this month, letting fans know what they’re in for when #Instahoe Verified eventually arrives.

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