Peach Iced Tea is a flavor G Fuel put together in partnership with pro-gamer Lirik three years ago in 2017, which was discontinued at some point since then. For Halloween, the gaming supplement company has decided to bring the product back, promising the same flavor and collaboration with Lirik, although it has given it a Halloween-themed look, much like Sour Chug Rug from earlier today.
Also, like the rebranded Sour Chug Rug renamed Sour Nightmare Fuel for Halloween, the returning Peach Iced Tea is only available for a limited time and under a different name in “Lirik’s 9 Lives”. It is in stock starting today at gfuel.com and comes in the usual tub of 40 servings at $35.99, and in a special edition collector’s box packed with a tub and shorty shaker for slightly more at $39.99.