DNS in Japan, has announced an all-new series of supplements, made up of different versions of seven already available products in its lineup. Strangely enough, the key difference with the new ‘Elite Athlete Line’ has nothing to do with the ingredients or dosages in the supplements. The separator is actually with the testing performed by the certification, Informed Choice.
All of the products in the Elite Athlete Line from DNS have the Informed Sport certification, which is different from Informed Choice. Informed Sport requires a lot more testing before and after the production of each certified supplement, and they have a gold logo stamped onto their packaging. It’s essentially a stricter program that DNS has created an entire series around.
The products making up the DNS Elite Athlete line are all relatively straightforward and self-explanatory with BCAA, HMB, Mineral, Vitamin, EPA, the recovery formula R4, and Whey Protein Super Premium. Once again, we’re not sure if there are any differences with the formulas behind the supplements, although we’ll find all of that out on Thursday when it officially launches.