It’s been a while since we heard anything from the lifestyle spin-off of Olympus Labs, Olympus Lyfestyle, originally introduced in the last few months of last year. As per usual with the brand, when it’s quiet, that typically means it’s been working on something, which is indeed the case on this occasion, specifically a supplement called ‘Grind’.
Olympus’ upcoming Grind will be an energy and focus enhancing product ideal for any situation you would need those effects, from everyday activity and exercise through to gaming and study. As for the formula behind Grind, we know it contains caffeine, like most solid energy and focus supplements, as well as several solid dosages and premium branded ingredients.
Another few details worth pointing out are that Olympus Grind isn’t just another new product for the brand’s lineup. Olympus is introducing a slightly different look with Grind, including a tweaked logo and fresh new packaging, both of which you can see in the preview of the upcoming supplement in the image above.
The process from reveal to release for Olympus Grind is going to happen quite quickly, as despite only being unveiled today, it is expected to be available within the next few days. The brand does plan on sharing its fully transparent formula between now and then, and it’ll also have a deal available for the launch of the product that’ll be well worth getting in on.