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Basic unflavored Creapure creatine joins HD Muscle’s Free Form Series

hd muscle creahd

Fresh of the news of its first-ever protein powder coming to market with the premium whey isolate-based ProHD, HD Muscle has announced another new supplement, although this one is a whole lot simpler. CreaHD is the latest product unveiled by the Canadian brand, which is the third entry into its straightforward Free Form Series alongside GlutaHD and EAAHD.

You could probably guess what HD Muscle’s CreaHD is based on its name, with basic unflavored CreaPure creatine monohydrate. It has a total of 400g per tub, giving you 80 servings of creatine at that usual 5g dose. The supplement is available now through the brand’s website with a price to match its simplicity and just a little less than GlutaHD at $24.99 (18.66U USD).

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