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Try new Code Red and Blue flavors of RAZE in its latest Insider box

code red and code blue raze energy

The team at RAZE Energy is currently hard at work on two new flavors of its delicious, zero-calorie, and high-energy beverage. The flavors being put to the test don’t have any official name or description, just ‘Code Red’ and ‘Code Blue’. While those colors can be associated with specific flavors, we’re reasonably certain they are only being used for reference.

It is quite exciting that RAZE Energy has two potential flavors on the way, but what’s even more interesting is the brand is giving fans the chance to join and taste test them. RAZE actually has an Insider program where you subscribe for $19.99 a month, then every month, it sends you a box containing new and upcoming products and flavors from RAZE and its sister supplement brand REPP Sports, as well as apparel and accessories.

RAZE Insiders also get discounts, commission on sales, and gain access to a Facebook group where they can share feedback on upcoming products. The box the brand is sending out to Insiders for the month of September is the one that comes with two cans each of Code Red and Code Blue. If you sign-up within the next few days over at, you will get that September box.